Crafting a User-Friendly Build-a-Bike Experience

Christiania Bikes America
Project year
client ceo
Peter & Linnaea James
Project Scope
Brand Identity
Discovery & Research
Project Management
Visual Design
Web Design & Development
Donna Melger
Amanda Altice

While vacationing in Denmark, entrepreneur Peter James was captivated by the design and functionality of Christiania cargo bikes. He envisioned a way to distribute Christiania Bikes to American shores and thus Christiania Bikes America was born. Originally Peter showcased the cargo bike on his existing business website (which was for furniture and home goods) and combine all products, while functional, Agency wasn't equipped to handle the complexities of showcasing and selling the premium cargo bikes. This is where Peter asked us to help recreate CBA's website making it easy for clients to shop and choose their options.

Old Agency website before the site converted to Christiania Bikes America
State of the website before we launched Christiania Bikes America

Screen shot of homepage for CBA
Website After

The Solution

Through our collaborative discovery phase, we identified the need for a website specifically designed to handle Christiania Bikes America's extensive product catalog and the unique requirements of selling customizable cargo bikes.

Wireframe of CBA's ecommerce page
Wireframe for Product Page

GIF images of Christania Bikes Models and variants for research
All Christiania Models with variants

A competitive analysis provided valuable insights into customer behavior and industry best practices. We leveraged this information to create a website that surpassed the competition in functionality and ease of purchase.

Persona's for CBA

Customer Journey map for CBA
Journey Map

A new domain and website were created using  Shopify and a theme that supported large product catalogs and product option features. This allowed for seamless integration of the "build-a-bike" feature. The "build-a-bike" feature was developed to empower customers to personalize their cargo bikes by selecting from a curated range of compatible accessories.

Visual guide to show the user how to customize the bike
Visual to show the user how to customize the cargo bike

Product page with a list of customizations

We prioritized user experience by implementing clear product filtering through a sidebar navigation system. This allowed customers to easily find the perfect bike by filtering based on specific needs and preferences.

website page from Christiania Bikes America

While vacationing in Denmark, entrepreneur Peter James was captivated by the design and functionality of Christiania cargo bikes. He envisioned a way to distribute Christiania Bikes to American shores and thus Christiania Bikes America was born. Originally Peter showcased the cargo bike on his existing business website (which was for furniture and home goods) and combine all products, while functional, Agency wasn't equipped to handle the complexities of showcasing and selling the premium cargo bikes. This is where Peter asked us to help recreate CBA's website making it easy for clients to shop and choose their options.

Old Agency website before the site converted to Christiania Bikes America
State of the website before we launched Christiania Bikes America

Screen shot of homepage for CBA
Website After

The Solution

Through our collaborative discovery phase, we identified the need for a website specifically designed to handle Christiania Bikes America's extensive product catalog and the unique requirements of selling customizable cargo bikes.

Wireframe of CBA's ecommerce page
Wireframe for Product Page

GIF images of Christania Bikes Models and variants for research
All Christiania Models with variants

A competitive analysis provided valuable insights into customer behavior and industry best practices. We leveraged this information to create a website that surpassed the competition in functionality and ease of purchase.

Persona's for CBA

Customer Journey map for CBA
Journey Map

A new domain and website were created using  Shopify and a theme that supported large product catalogs and product option features. This allowed for seamless integration of the "build-a-bike" feature. The "build-a-bike" feature was developed to empower customers to personalize their cargo bikes by selecting from a curated range of compatible accessories.

Visual guide to show the user how to customize the bike
Visual to show the user how to customize the cargo bike

Product page with a list of customizations

We prioritized user experience by implementing clear product filtering through a sidebar navigation system. This allowed customers to easily find the perfect bike by filtering based on specific needs and preferences.

website page from Christiania Bikes America
Christiania Bikes America
Project year
client ceo
Peter & Linnaea James
Project Scope
Brand Identity
Discovery & Research
Project Management
Visual Design
Web Design & Development
Donna Melger
Amanda Altice

Need a human-centered design solution for your E-Commerce?

The Result

The new website launch in May 2021, targeting Bike Month. This marked a turning point for Christiania Bikes America. The combination of a user-friendly platform, a "build-a-bike" feature, and a focus on customer experience translated into positive results.

  • Monthly revenue soared by a staggering 233% compared to 2020 figures,  demonstrating the website's effectiveness in driving sales.
  • The "build-a-bike" feature resonated with customers, providing them with the flexibility to create their dream cargo bikes.
  • The clear navigation and product filtering options made it easier for customers to find the perfect bike and complete their purchase with ease.

The Result

The new website launch in May 2021, targeting Bike Month. This marked a turning point for Christiania Bikes America. The combination of a user-friendly platform, a "build-a-bike" feature, and a focus on customer experience translated into positive results.

  • Monthly revenue soared by a staggering 233% compared to 2020 figures,  demonstrating the website's effectiveness in driving sales.
  • The "build-a-bike" feature resonated with customers, providing them with the flexibility to create their dream cargo bikes.
  • The clear navigation and product filtering options made it easier for customers to find the perfect bike and complete their purchase with ease.

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