Scaling Up in a Shutdown

Artisans & Agency
Project year
client ceo
Linnaea Holgers-James
Project Scope
Discovery & Research
Project Management
Web Design & Development
User Experience
Visual Design
Donna Melger
Amanda Altice

Artisans & Agency in Santa Cruz isn't just a store, it's a vibrant hub for handcrafted goods. Linnaea James, who began working there as a teenager and eventually took the reins in 2015, Artisans & Agency celebrates the artistry behind each product. The pandemic hit brick-and-mortar businesses hard. And Artisans & Agency's existing website showcasing only 35% of their vast product selection, failed to capture the store's true appeal. This, combined with decreased foot traffic, led to a significant revenue drop.

Old website pages for artisans & agency
Website before changes

screenshot of homepage at launch
New Website at launch

The Solution

In August 2020, Linnaea partnered with GetVirtual for a digital transformation. The goal was to revitalize Artisans & Agency's online presence and reconnect with their customer base.

User Journey for Artisans & Agency
Customer Journey Map

We completely revamped the website in Shopify. Utilizing a theme with sidebar filtering and live search, ensuring a user-friendly experience for navigating our large product catalog (over 5,000 meticulously uploaded and tagged products) and recreated a visually engaging shopping experience.

sidebar categories and tagging worksheet
Sidebar filtering & product tagging

Enhanced Navigation by reorganizing the navigation bar with clear and relevant categories and product tags for better product discovery.

Post its for sidebar filtering
Product Categories

Empathy and Persona's for Artisans & Agency GIF
Empathy & Persona's

Artisans & Agency in Santa Cruz isn't just a store, it's a vibrant hub for handcrafted goods. Linnaea James, who began working there as a teenager and eventually took the reins in 2015, Artisans & Agency celebrates the artistry behind each product. The pandemic hit brick-and-mortar businesses hard. And Artisans & Agency's existing website showcasing only 35% of their vast product selection, failed to capture the store's true appeal. This, combined with decreased foot traffic, led to a significant revenue drop.

Old website pages for artisans & agency
Website before changes

screenshot of homepage at launch
New Website at launch

The Solution

In August 2020, Linnaea partnered with GetVirtual for a digital transformation. The goal was to revitalize Artisans & Agency's online presence and reconnect with their customer base.

User Journey for Artisans & Agency
Customer Journey Map

We completely revamped the website in Shopify. Utilizing a theme with sidebar filtering and live search, ensuring a user-friendly experience for navigating our large product catalog (over 5,000 meticulously uploaded and tagged products) and recreated a visually engaging shopping experience.

sidebar categories and tagging worksheet
Sidebar filtering & product tagging

Enhanced Navigation by reorganizing the navigation bar with clear and relevant categories and product tags for better product discovery.

Post its for sidebar filtering
Product Categories

Empathy and Persona's for Artisans & Agency GIF
Empathy & Persona's
Artisans & Agency
Project year
client ceo
Linnaea Holgers-James
Project Scope
Discovery & Research
Project Management
Web Design & Development
User Experience
Visual Design
Donna Melger
Amanda Altice

Inspired by this case study? Turn your vision into a reality.

The Result

The digital transformation proved immensely successful. Artisans & Agency experienced a phenomenal 900% surge in online revenue within the first year, a funnel conversion rate of 55.3%, and they continue to maintain a health score of 97%-100%. This accomplishment not only revitalized their business but also reignited the community's passion for handcrafted goods. The redesigned site supports the client’s goals with an easy-to-navigate experience that emphasizes their artwork. Our partnership with Artisans & Agency has been monumentally successful, and we look forward to continuing our work with them into the future.

The Result

The digital transformation proved immensely successful. Artisans & Agency experienced a phenomenal 900% surge in online revenue within the first year, a funnel conversion rate of 55.3%, and they continue to maintain a health score of 97%-100%. This accomplishment not only revitalized their business but also reignited the community's passion for handcrafted goods. The redesigned site supports the client’s goals with an easy-to-navigate experience that emphasizes their artwork. Our partnership with Artisans & Agency has been monumentally successful, and we look forward to continuing our work with them into the future.

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